We very happily stumbled across the wonderful AnagramGenius website this week, which truly does have some genius anagrams – including a range of Shakespeare anagrams from the ridiculous to the sublime.
‘William Shakespeare’ is an anagram of:
‘Hear me as I will speak’
‘I swear I’ll make heaps’
…and perhaps our favourite, ‘We shall make a pie sir!’
‘William Shakespeare, The Bard of Avon’ is an anagram of ‘Abrasive alpha male of the worse kind’
‘The Immortal Bard, William Shakespeare’ is an anagram of ‘This admirable writer shall make a poem’
‘The Complete Works of William Shakespeare’ is an anagram of ‘Pick Marlowe, ask if he wrote all these poems’
And playing around with Shakespeare’s hometown ‘Stratford-Upon-Avon in Warwickshire, Britain’ gives: ‘Harp a visit in our known, a terrific bard’s town’
That’s the pick of Shakespeare anagrams from AnagramGenius. What do you think of these Shakespeare-related anagrams – could you do any better? Let us know your ideas in the comments below.
I love the challenge of anagrams–here are a few of mine from HAMLET:
Denmarke: “Reek! Damn! “Marke! End!
The Ghost: “Shh! Get to . . .
Laertes: “Ale rest” “Relates”
Fortinbras: “A first born”
Gertrude: “Greed rut”
Ophelia: “Oh! I plea”
Words, words, words: “Sword, sword, sword”
Elsinore: “Lose rein” “Norse lie” “Erle, I son” “Roseline”
Hamlet: “Amleth” (the origin of the play, found in Saxo Grammaticus)
William Shakespeare = Wake Seraphim Allies
William Shakespeare = Hear Me as I will speak
William Shakespeare = Awake Imps, Raise Hell
William Shakespeare = As A Empire Will Shake!
William Shakespeare = I saw pikes heal realm
I’ll make a wise phrase.