See below for a full list of all The Comedy of Errors characters:
EGEON, a Merchant of Syracuse
AEMILIA, Wife to Ægeon, an Abbess at Ephesus
ANTIPHOLUS of Ephesus, ANTIPHOLUS of Syracuse, Twin Brothers, sons to Aegeon and Aemilia
ADRIANA, Wife to Antipholus of Ephesus
LUCIANA, her Sister
DROMIO of Ephesus, DROMIO of Syracuse, Twin Brothers, attendants on the two Antipholuses
BALTHAZAR, a Merchant
ANGELO, a Goldsmith
Merchant, Friend to Antipholus of Syracuse
A Second Merchant, to whom Angelo is a debtor
PINCH, a Schoolmaster and a Conjurer
LUCE, Servant to Andriana
A Courtezan
Gaoler, Officers, and other Attendants
Twintastic The Comedy of Errors characters
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